RF 1999 Rochester

Developing Democratic Citizens: Teaching Social Education K-16

Sponsored by:

The Rouge Forum


Warner Graduate School of Education, University of Rochester

When:  February 27, 1999

Where:  Hoyt Hall, University of Rochester

Featured speakers:

Roy Rosenzweig  (Center for History and New Media at George Mason University

K-12 teachers and students and university students and faculty


9:00 a.m.—Registration and coffee

9:15 a.m.—Welcome and overview of day, David Hursh

9:30 a.m.—Keynote address by Roy Rosenzweig


10:45—Democratic teaching, teaching democracy (Small group sessions):

John Dewey, democracy and education (Robert Westbrook)

Democracy and teaching about work (Doug Noble)

Democratic schooling (Lin Lin, Severine Yagaza, Ellen Boesenberg)

Teaching social justice


12:30 p.m.—Democratic teaching, teaching democracy (Small group sessions):

Democracy in the classroom (Aggie Seneway and her fourth grade students)

Democracy and social studies education (Rich Gibson, Steve Fleury & E. Wayne Ross)

The arts, social studies and democracy (Sonia James-Wilson)

Democracy and high school social studies

1:45 p.m.—Using media to teach social history (Rosenzweig)

3:00 p.m.—Summing up and moving on (Hursh and Rosenzweig)

3:15 p.m.—Adjourn


Keynote address only: Free

Conference (including lunch and articles): $10.00 (without lunch): $5.00 For more information contact:

David Hursh

WGSEHD, University of Rochester

PO Box 270425

Rochester, NY 14627-0425

email:< dhrh@troi.cc.rochester.edu>

To register for the conference contact:

Michelle Erklenze

Dewey Hall, WGSEHD

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY 14627